Hi there, I'm Chris, also known as chez14
. I mostly work on web stuff, especially backend, automation (build, test, deploy), and consulting things with client.
CI/CD has been a lifesaver for organization with many projects, big or small. In my case, I have a Laravel project that needs its JavaScript to be built before deployment. There are a lot of options to do this, but this time, I think I found a perfect combination to deploy them with minimum clutter […]
On December 11th, 2023, my student email (7316011@stu…) that is associated with key ID 7c5e71e1aad74d83, has been disabled as I graduated in 2021 (YAY!). This post formally announces that the identity will never be used again. If you have my public key on your keyring, you can update the key identity by pulling it from […]